The controversy over ZTE Broadband deals in the Philippine government remains controversial and at large. Former administration employee Mr Jun Lozada exposed the anomalous contracts between the Philippine administration and China's ZTE broadband. Lozada's testimony remains consistent. Malacanang was so upset on Lozada's revelations. The government tried to seal this issues by letting Lozada take his flight to Hongkong. They tried to prevent Lozada from taking the hot seat invitations from the Senate's committee. How come Malacanang tried to hide all these treacheries on us? Remember the first public apology made by our President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo regarding "Hello Garci's tape"? Is that all? They betrayed our constitutions! After the inconsistency on the side of the administrations, another public apology again has been made by the President. What the heck! Trial and error?! We cannot accept apologies at this time. It's a crime they should pay. Bribery has been made, a crime that ousts the former President Joseph Estrada from the presidency.It's a crime punishable by the law under the penal code RA 3019. But what kinds of music does our President is playing with? It seems that she knows how to play so well. An obvious crime and the Untouchables. A compelling corrupt government that uses mighty weapons that Marcos used during his regime. The Money, the AFP, and the PNP. Here in our municipality, our mayor received a car from our president before the elections. After that, I saw it on the news that Malacanang used these tactics to over several municipalities in central Luzon. The main problem is us ... "the Filipino people". Only a few react on this issues.
There are three types of people resides in our country today. Let's say 40% gained and fed by the government (most of them are government officials and NGO's), 30% didn't reacted but confused due to poverty and lack of resources (usually farmers, provinces), and 30% who tried and give their best to opposed and seek justice (Other public officials, NGO's, activist). Which one are you? You know who you are. Each one of us has a purpose in life, not just to work hard, protect and eat for ourselves. We need to care for the others too. God gave us brains to understand things and know the truth. Arms to hug and reach out to the poor and the needy. A heart to love and warmth the abused and the hopeless one. And a voice to speak up for the truth.

I remember waking up one early morning around 2:00 am to 3:00 am, I was gasping for air to breathe. Finding my medicine for a momentary relief and took me for hours to get me back to my regular breathing. Oxygen is the food of our brain. Lack of oxygen may result in a stroke or even multiple organ failures. I remember my grandma died because of asthma. I was there at that time. It was a horrible experience for a four years old kid seeing sick, elderly relatives. I brood over the time when my dad died. I remember the night he told me to look after him. He was so terrible at that time. He was suffering from a severe stomach pain. When I woke up the next morning, I've noticed something strange. The house is filled with silence. I feel the presence of anguish and sorrow roaming in the air. I was so afraid at that moment, and when I open my dad's door, I found him in a fatal situation. His belly grows more significant because of the abdominal waste that comes out of his small intestines. He told me to take him to the hospital, and so I did. After the operation, the doctor says chances are only 50% of survival. Even after he survived that process, he will no longer live a healthy life again. He passed away at the age of 55. It was the most traumatic experienced in my whole entire life! His death causes me to stand on my own, but the anxiety of dying haunts my innocence.
I've received a message from someone that my old friend today has just passed away. He's only 40 years of age. Now I'm wondering how does it feel to be dying? What lies ahead after death? Overcoming fear of dying is the most challenging task to bear. It's been 13 years from now since I got married, but looking back to those memorable years seems to me that everything just happened only yesterday. Another more 10 years will make me 43 at that time. Life is too short I guess. And as time goes by, life's journey will finally meet its end.
Striving hard to survive, or do anything to escape. Lion's hunt in the wilderness to survive. Sometimes they even crave for their own race, but often times bizarre kinds of habitat are most of their prey. In Wikipedia, it is defined as "often prepare for this anticipated disruption by learning skills..." http:// A Huge colony of animals and insects practice this skills to survive. Does this habitue does exist in a human race?... It does.
Strategically speaking, humans often engaged in this kind of system. I'm not referring to a real aspect of the situation. What I'm pointing out is a deeper meaning to the word survivalist. Its essence flows diffusely affecting the moral values of each one of us. Some people take these tactics as their last resort. Their only hope is to sacrifice something precious to them, even their own family. In Proverbs 14:12 (New International Version) New International Version (NIV) Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society says "There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end, it leads to death." Does destroying our own family is worth just to survive? Does malignant way of facing poverty be worth just to survive? There is a unique issue between the word of GOD and our own way of dealing this common task. Prostitution's, gambling, stealing, etc. Does any of these come from GOD?
Imagine this, you find yourself at the edge of the hill, hopelessly grabbing a piece of a branch striving to survive. Then all of a sudden you saw a light coming from heaven and hear a voice and says, "My precious child, I am the Lord your GOD. I know the pains and sufferings you've been dealing with. It's time to let go of that branch you are holding with, and I will carry you.." Will you trust that voice? Will you let go of that piece of branch that you are holding? I guess it's all up to us. Our faith in GOD will tell us what to do next. I hope someday somehow, letting go is the best way to ease all the pain and anxiety that we've been going through... not just to survive, but to have a better life.

"I hAVE bEEN tHROUgh THESAme tHINg oVER & oVER aGAIn..!iF iM bROkEn hEARTEd I uSE tO liSTEN tHE sONGz tHAT rEMInds mE tHE pAST aND iTZ kILLing me..I liSTENed tHe sONG thAt I cAN deAL with.,yOU cAN nEVER iMAGine i cRIed aLOT mORE tHAN aNY eYEZ cAN tAKE....bUT iN tHE eND i REALize tHAT aLL oF thAT wAS nOT wORTHy oF iT. If sOMEOne dOES nOT kNOW yOUR vALUE,yOU sHOULD kNOW tHE vALUE oF yOUR sELF. You sHOUld nOT bREAK doWN jUZT bACAuse oNE pERSON dOES nOT lOVE yOU bACK, aFTER aLL wE cAN't eXPECT tHE wHOLE wORLD tO liKE uS, SOME pEOple dO sOME pEOple dONt aND wHO eVER dOES'Nt liKE uS tHEN wHO cAREs..........wHEN tHE riGTH pERSON cOMES yOU wILL kNOW it, lOVE iS nOT mADE tO mAKE uS sAD oR cRY, it iS a hOPE aND jOY, aND iF yOU dONT fiND tHAT iN tHEn yOU sHOULD lEAVe it, aND aLWAys rEMEmber tHAT yOU lOVE yOUR sELF mORE tHAN aNYOne. Im nOT sAYIng thAT yOU hAVE tO bE sELfish,wHAT i wANT tO sAY iS yOU sHOULD kNOW hOW tO lOVE yOUR sELF. I wISH yOU lUCK i KNow iTS nOT eASY tO mOVE ON aND iT wILL tAKE a lONG tIME tO fORGET eVERYthing. TRY TO MOVE ON! I kNOW wORDS aRE eASIer tHAN aCTIOn, bUT it cAn hELP it tO mAKE yOU sTRONger. "TURN OFF THE DRAMA AND TURN UP THE MUSIC".,i kNOW whAT it fEELs.."
Youth Gone Wild

Mark 10:15 (New International Version) New International Version (NIV) Copyright © 1973, 1978,1984 by International Bible Society. "I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it". As you have noticed, Jesus used the word "child" in this passage. But what if our child is in the state of moral and psychological depressions? For the family to meet a child's psychological needs, its family members must be nurturing, conduct mutual respect, and engage in bonding and attachment. The family also mingles the child, guiding them to be members of the society beyond the family. The family is the child's source of economic resources, which meet the child's various physical needs for food, shelter, and clothing.
Most of our youth today involves in some kinds of small group activities such as fraternity, gangs, etc. These teen turns out to be the suspect of a crime they don't even know. But the truth is, they are the victim of abuse and exploitations. What if even their own family turns out to be their battleground instead of being their private sanctuary? Will there enough space for them to rest? Enough love to comfort their hungry soul? They usually go out and join some groups because they feel that they are being neglected by their own family. They must be fed by cherishing and love. They must think that they are much secure with their own family than their friends. Giving them the proper way of caring will benefits us someday. We all know that our youth will serve as our hope for the future of mankind. It is our last card. This poem I quote from Laura says "...a single life has been misused. A tiny child has been abused.Are we just going to sit and hide our eyes, Or are we going to look way deep down inside?".

Features:• dual sim• 1.3 megapixel• Television Mobile (Analog TV)• internal memory 37MB• external memory 256MB• FM Radio Mobile• Video record• Games• calculator• unit converter• Health• E-Book reader• Multimedia• Touch Screen• Bluetooth• Mp3 (nice great quality speaker)• Mp4• And more.... ^_^Package Includes• 1 X Brand new in Box Touchscreen Bluetooth phone• 2 x batteries• 1 x Charger• 1 x Stereo earphone• 1 x USB cable for PC connection• 1 x Handwriting Stylus• 1 x tripod• 1 x TV output• Manual
I bought this phone for only P 5,500.00. Low price compared to other competitive and substantial mobile phone companies. It comes with an analog tv/CATV channels and high-quality frequency FM radio. Outstanding 3D speaker system. The only problem is, you can't find any applications and games that you can install in this phone. Nokia mobile can use different types of codec like XviD in replacement to its 3gp videos. You can upload 4 AVI DVD quality movies in 1 512 memory card using XviD codec. While n38 can only use mp4 format to upload movies in its memory card. One mp4 film consumes 220 MB (depends on the size of the video you want to convert), while 1 XviD turned AVI movies only used 110 MB in its memory! So you see the difference?
I guess it is worth cheaper anyway. But technically speaking, it's analog tv way of having in this phone tempts you to grab this n38 mobile. Nokia is using GPRS to service it's consumers a tv applications that lets you subscribe to view tv channels. It is a pay per view system. Analog tv only uses local tv frequency to see it's tv channels. So, it is free at all.
Choosing the right phones for you must suit your own way of living and interact. It depends on how you use it and the quality of phones you are buying with.
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